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Five Simple Ways to Help you Start to Declutter your Home


Updated: Sep 15, 2023

A messy space = a messy mind.

Studies have shown that a messy space can make you feel more anxious, stressed and result in you being less productive, motivated, and timely. Aside from science proving the negative health effects of a cluttered home, this also creates stagnant qi, which is harmful in Feng Shui.

Since everyone deserves a healthier space, start today by taking that first step to declutter. Easier said than done right? Like many things, there are tips and tricks to making this process more manageable. Read on to find out what my top tips are to decluttering your home.


Step 1: Make it Fun

Decluttering can sound like a frustrating and overwhelming task. Switch up your mindset from daunting chore to enjoyable activity by finding ways to make the decluttering process fun. Put on some music, listen to a Podcast, or even reward yourself afterwards with a spa night, nice dinner, or other type of self-care. Just don’t go out and do shopping therapy. That defeats the purpose of decluttering to begin with.

Step 2: Start in One Area

Depending on the size of your home (and how much you have), decluttering can be a giant undertaking. You thought it was going to only take you a weekend, but it turns out you might be busy for several weeks. Just like with any big project, start small. Try to break down the decluttering into groups. Whether this be based on room or item (clothing for example), having sections of focus on helps the brain to be motivated to complete the task.

Step 3: Ask Questions

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons you hold onto stuff is because it’s difficult to let go. You rationalize keeping an item that you haven’t touched it years, or hold onto something that has no actual use or purpose. When sorting through each item (yes, each item), ask yourself a series of questions about the item. What is its purpose? Does something else I own accomplish this same purpose? How many do I have of this item? Do I need this many? ‘Second guessing’ your reasoning for keeping something can help your brain into letting these items go.

For more help on the specific questions to be asking yourself, check out my Declutter Workbook.

Step 4: Regift and Donate Items

One of the reasons it is difficult to get rid of items is that these things hold sentimental value. With these being in homes for years, sometimes decades, there are many memories and feelings associated with these items. This can be challenging when it comes time to declutter. These items are too dear to just be thrown in the trash or landfill, and the thought of just donating them to a Goodwill or reuse store doesn’t feel appropriate. That is why it is beneficial to gift these items to someone you know or offer them to your community through a garage sale or Buy Nothing. When you are able to physically see and connect with the people that need these items, it is easy to let go of these things, knowing they are going to a good home.

Step 5: Declutter Multiple Times

Often times a one-time pass on decluttering won’t make a dent in the state of your home. That’s why you typically have to do multiple rounds of decluttering. Spacing these decluttering moments out over a series of weeks or even months is best since your brain has a tendency to not like to release multiple things at once. A full on purge can be overwhelming to the self, so spacing out your decluttering spurts can help you in releasing more of these old items over time.

Decluttering is a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think. If you’re wanting a decluttered home and are getting overwhelmed, follow those easy tips. For more decluttering help, check out my holistic approach to decluttering your home.

Your Holistic Home Helper,



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