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How to do a House Clearing - The Step by Step way to Cleanse the Energy of your Home


Updated: Aug 20, 2023

Ever feel a heavy sense of ick in your home? Sure, things are neat and tidy, and your home looks amazing, but there is an 'off' feeling that you just can't shake. It's probably the energy of your home. That fight with your partner, the frustrating day at work, and the emotional drainage from your call with your mother all leave an impact on your home and your energy levels. Time for a house cleaning.

Traditionally, cleaning the home was a time to get out the mop, broom, and duster. Nowadays, we're learning that cleaning our home is a lot more in depth. Energies have a tendency to stay in your home, and doing a cleansing can remove these heavy emotions or stagnant energies. With a house cleaning, not only does your home feel cleaner, but you are filled with a sense of refreshing energy as well.

Want to get back to feeling refreshed and peaceful in your home? Learn how to properly cleanse your home.


Step 1: Declutter

Have you ever noticed how a messy space can make you feel lethargic and moody? Clutter causes the energy to stagnate, lowering the vibrations in the home which affects your physical and emotional body. The first step to cleaning your home is to remove old, forgotten, and not used items in your home. It can be a challenge to declutter, so check out my other blog on tips for the decluttering process!

A set of cleaning products and tools
A physical clean ALSO means an energetic clean

Step 2: Physically Clean your Home

Next is the step everyone thinks about when cleaning. It's time to clean the physical space itself. Vacuum the floors, dust the shelves, and scrub the counters (all with eco friendly products of course) to prep your home for clean, healthy energy to come in. When you physically clean your home, you clean the energy as well!

Step 3: Energetically Cleanse

 After your room is physically tidy, it's time to remove the energy that is still imprinted in your home. There are multiple methods to cleanse the energy of your home. The most popular method is an herbal clearing using an herbal wand or stick. You want to make sure that you have your windows and doors open (for the negative energy to escape). Start off in one corner of your home and light your wand. Blow out the flame and use the smoke to clear your space. Making your way around your home, move the wand along the floors, walls, and window/door openings. Think about it like you're painting your room with your herbal wand. Relight your wand if needed and continue this process until you make it back to your starting point.

If herbal clearings aren't your think, you can try another clearing method. Check out my other post for alternative ways to cleanse your home's energy.

Palo Santo and White Sage with Crystals
Certain herbs can be burned to cleanse the home

Step 4: Bring in Positive Energy

Now that the home is cleaned of the negative energies, it's time to bring in some positive vibrations! Salt lamps, plants, wall art, natural light, and natural decor pieces are all ways to heighten good vibrations. Hint hint, this is where Feng Shui comes in! You can check out my Feng Shui blog posts or book a Feng Shui consultation if you want to learn more about bringing this good energy into your home!

Step 5: Maintain Upkeep

Even after you have cleansed your space, certain events can bring back negative energies. An argument, a bad day, they can all imprint in your home. It is important to cleanse your space regularly. For everyone this is different, but a guideline would be whenever you start to feel the negative energies or notice dirt or physical mess in your home, it's time for a clearing. Try every month to start maintaining a healthy house cleansing practice.

Looking for more ways to enhance and work with the energy of your home? Check out my other blog posts or schedule a holistic home call today for a personalized approach to your home and your energy.

Your Holistic Home Helper,



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