Looking for a good night's rest? Applying Feng Shui to your bedroom is a great way to work with the energies of your home to support better health and well-being. But understanding the energies of your home can be confusing and frustrating. Thankfully it doesn't have to be.
Want to learn where to place your bed according to Feng Shui? First you have to understand the schools of Feng Shui.
Form School vs Compass School
To better understand where to place your bed, it's best to know what school of Feng Shui you are using. In Classical Feng Shui, there are two main schools: the form school and the compass school. These two schools have different approaches on how to place furniture and work with qi (energy) in Feng Shui.
The Form School
The Form School is the oldest known school of Feng Shui. Many of its principles are used in all forms of Feng Shui as a base of understanding the energy in your home. In the Form School, an ideal placement of your bed should be on the wall opposite your door into the bedroom.
The is according to the Celestial Animals of Feng Shui. Having your headboard against a main wall helps you in feeling protected and grounded while you sleep, while being able to view and see the entrance of your bedroom is important to access the energies coming into your room.
Another important tip to note in the placement of your bed is to avoid the foot of your bed being in direct path of your door. This is considered bad Feng Shui and detrimental for your energy. This is called the coffin position, and is symbolic of a funeral procession and the dead being moved 'feet first'. When you sleep, your energy escapes your body, and having your body directly in line with your bedroom door allows your energy to escape the room at night. A simple solution is moving your bed slightly off center from the door so your feet do not align.
The Compass School
The Compass School is the second oldest School of Feng Shui. It bases orientation off of directions, such as North, South, etc. In the Compass School, the placement of the bed is largely related to something called your 'Gua Number'. Your Gua Number is found based on your birthday and gives you a set of auspicious (good) and inauspicious (bad) directions for energy/qi.
When using the Compass School and the The Eight Mansions (a subsect of the Compass School in Feng Shui), you will have a direction called Shen Qi. This is known as the life generating direction and provides the energies of prosperity, good luck, and fortune. It is good to align the head of your bed to this direction according to this School of Feng Shui. Another ideal direction is known as Tien Yi. This is associated with good health.
To find out what your gua number is and what your best directions are, you can use this Feng Shui Gua Calculator.

Other Tips on Bed Placement
Since we all don't live in ideal homes according to Feng Shui, you might have some obstacles in your bedroom that inhibit this placement and orientation of your bed. Here are some more common tips for the placement of your bed in Feng Shui.
Don't have your bed against a plumbing wall
If your headboard wall also shares a wall with a bathroom and the plumbing/piping, it is advised not to place your bed against this wall. This is because in Feng Shui, water carries energy and having your head next to a wall with so much water movement can carry your energy away from your body.
Don't have your bed right next to your bathroom
Similar, it is advised to not have your bed right next to a bathroom door. This is common for master bedrooms that have a bathroom attached to the room. Not only is there a higher chance of your energy escaping into the bathroom and down the drain, but there is also the practical reason of not wanting to be so close to a bathroom due to germs and bad smells and odors.
Don't place your bed up against a window
Just like how doors carry energy out of a room, so do windows. Placing your bed up against a window allows your energy to escape your body at night. If this is the only solution and placement of your bed that makes sense, adding drapery or curtains to the window can help slow down the energy. It is also recommended to keep the curtains closed at night to avoid the energy from escaping.
Don't place your bed in the corner
Corners are notorious in Feng Shui for having stagnant qi or energy. Pushing your bed into a corner creates stagnant energy for yourself as your energy is not being nurtured from all sides and it can create blocks in your energy. Having your bed in the corner is also not ideal for calling in a partner, since from a practical standpoint, only one person has access to entering the bed.

For more tips on how to better the energy of your bedroom through Feng Shui, you can check out my other blog post, How to Feng Shui your Bedroom.
And if you're interested in learning Feng Shui for yourself, you can check out my online course, The Fundamentals of Feng Shui.
Your Holistic Home Helper,
